Friday, December 24, 2010


Do you have a CAST INNER PRIMARY CHAINCASE for a SPORTGLIDE or ELECTRAGLIDE? A member of our crew needs one pronto! Please drop the ZON a line if you have any leads. We got people working on this in shifts. HD part #'s 60661-93 or 60432-93.


Time To Fly said...

I've got an inner primary that came off my 79 FLH but have no idea if that will work you??? Oh ya i'm in NM.

Diesel said...

"T 2 F" I'll be right with you. I think that will work. THANKS!!!


Wes said...

if your '79 was an FLT it would work.yours is prolly a 60619-70 if it fits an FLH. i'll look and see what i've got too.

Wes said...

no luck. sorry pal.