Monday, February 20, 2012

Look Out California

New Jersey's second favorite son just announced his inclusion in the 2012 Born Free show.  Our close compadre Walter (seen above), from Kick-Start Cycle Supply will be whipping one up for the big show on June 30th way out west at the Oak Canyon Ranch.  Looking forward to seeing his scoot take shape.  Click post title for  the full story.


filth mode mc said...

Great photo of Walter. Hope the knees getting ready for a long summer of kickstarts. filth mode mc is Ashley and Chris from Vancouver......our club bud Tyler Lepore is BF Canadian invite. All the new invites rule.

filth mode mc said...

Great photo of Walter. Hope the knees getting ready for a long summer of kickstarts. filth mode mc is Ashley and Chris from Vancouver......our club bud Tyler Lepore is BF Canadian invite. All the new invites rule.